Warning, this event was expired!
Discover relationships that fill you with energy, rather than drain you
Say goodbye to the boredom of small talk in new interactions
Learn how to access conversational flow states
Feel deliciously engaged in your connections
Have real deep connected fun, even with people you just met
Experience therapy-like breakthroughs and insights
Sharpen social and emotional intelligence skills, even if you’re at pro level
Deepen connection with yourself
Talk to strangers with ease and take the steps to stay connected
Learn to check assumptions, and spark aliveness by sharing things you normally hold back & the power of acknowledgement
Bonus Points:
Playful games for awareness and connection
The opportunity to meet & stay connected to other singles immediately after
Tools and skills that create more depth in daily connections with ease
What You Walk Away With:
New great friends that are down for the activities you love
Expanded circles you can tap into in multiple areas of life
Effortlessly navigate real-life interactions, creating deep and lasting connections
Say goodbye to surface-level conversations
Cherished memories and lifelong friendships
Conversations that flow easily
Feel a deep sense of belonging
Meet fabulous humans who are available and open to love (and who love to get active!)
Playful tools to create instant awareness in a first date, consultation calls with clients or with your team
Embrace awkward moments as opportunities for joy and aliveness
Requirements / Who This is For:
You are already a dancer, a rock climber, a surfer, a yogi (any skill level) or excited to get into one of our tribes
Your self-discovery and self-development journey is not a young one
You’re ready to go beyond your comfort zone
Beginner’s mind
You are based in the city you want to register for or surroundings (or to start an event in your location)
You are ready to say goodbye to dull or tongue-twisting dates without trying to be someone you’re not
Who This is NOT For:
You rather meet people at a bar, and that’s working for you
You’re not willing to discover any truths about yourself
Surface-level is fine by you