


After over 2 decades of teaching, I finally surrendered to my innate urge to move in circles.
I teach about the Effervescent Cyclical Roundness of Reality-

the pathless path of Non-Dual Tantra. Without a path, the Training can only express as an actual INITIATION. Everything is told at the beginning, there is no linear progression.

Our deepest desires are the golden threads to know ourselves as a living EXPERIENCE.
This is the Yoga of Naked Awareness.
When we simply become Empty Space and Flowing Breath.

True knowing starts in the body.
Then it moves from the Heart to the Head…and only then become Wisdom.
Intelligence without heart-centered body wisdom is pretty useless if we want to create communities of expansive living and loving.

It’s this True Knowing that transforms our mere living into a Loving Celebration of the Eternal Self. Tantra will always meet you in the perfection of where you are at.

There are no levels. There is No struggle. No striving. No measurements. Enlightenment is never a goal.

We culture deep relaxation of the body-mind beyond spiritual fantasies and religious romances. Tantra never changes, You do.

When your practice becomes empty of spiritual concepts and clever ideas you can finally embrace this ever-present moment with the erotic awareness that is gushing forth through you. As you. Because of you. In spite of you. Meditating you. Liberating you.

Forever birthed from your heart, passionately longing to just be YOU. It’s a love affair with Truth.


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