Terms & Conditions

Hot Night Out does not benefit from or negotiate in any way any transaction between advertisers and users of the site. We don’t sell anything but advertising services to advertisers.

These ‘Terms and Conditions’ will be updated from time-to-time. We will inform registered users of material changes to them by email. Unregistered users are recommended to check back each visit if they are concerned about their rights or our current policies.

i) Hotnightout.co.za – where independent individuals and business entities can provide information about themselves and the services (the “Services”) they provide to its users to access and request further information.
ii) “Advertising” means the advertising provided to Individuals and Businesses (together “Advertisers”) for the promotion of their Services, Hot Night Out does not provide any other service, act as an intermediary or have any other activity.

Privacy Policy

a) We will not sell or share any personal information with any commercial third parties.
b) We require an email address for registered subscribers, but this will only be used for mails from this site and not for any other purpose.
c) We do collect personal information in various ways, including all forms on the site where users enter information. This is only used for communications with you, nothing else.
d) Any personally identifiable information will only be used by us to provide support, technical, billing, and other types of interactions you may request.
e) We follow industry standards for the protection of systems and data security to protect personal information.
f) We collect anonymous user information using standard tracking cookies. Ensuring the privacy of our users is the only way we can continue to provide this service.
We will not rent/sell/release any information to any third party.
Any information you provide will not be provided to any third-party in any situation, unless you a) publish a listing (the listing information becomes public) or b) send a message (the content, email and/or phone number are sent in an email to the recipient) or b) make a review (the content is public if approved and is linked to you profile which may display information like your favourites; check your profile in this case).
We implemented HTTPS (the thing which means no-one can see what you are sending back and forwards from the site).
We run a security programme which a) implements regular updates to servers, frameworks and software components and b) works to identify threat and intrusion attempts automatically and manually.

If we receive a valid legal request for information from a law enforcement agency, only the information which can be directly linked to the request will be released. We will refuse any requests for ‘general information’, even if made legally.
We do not process or retain any credit card details; we use a third-party processor in all cases. Using external payment processing means we can select partners who deal with tens/hundreds of thousands of payments on a weekly basis and maintain bank-level security teams to protect customer data.