
Warning, this event was expired!

Shibari Rope Jam | Open Jam | No Tuition

Open jams are about practicing what you’ve learned with the opportunity to get some input from a team member, or to tie for fun and/or pleasure in our space! Come and tie at ease without any teaching going on in the background.


An open jam is a space to practice and explore rope. You can spend the 2 hours practising various ties or catching up with people in our Space.

No tuition (no teaching) will be provided at this jam.
We encourage attendees to get input on their technique from more experienced riggers and bottoms.

Rope is never safe, and we always attempt to practice it safe(r). By coming to and participating in this event, you acknowledge the risks involved in this activity. We recommend attending one of our Shibari Bondage Basics Workshops we host every 2 months as rope jams are not a replacement for formal tuition. We also urge all participants who have completed the Basics Workshop but haven’t tied in a while to refresh their memory with this free rope 101 material:


1. Don’t be late.
2. Respect the space. Leave no trace – whatever you bring, take it back with you. 
3. Ego has no place here. Learn and share with humility. 
4. Ask for people’s pronouns and use the ones you are given. 
5. No shoes. Keep underwear on at public events. Nipples may be free. 
6. Do not make unsolicited comments about anyone else’s body.
7. Do not take any photos of anyone in attendance without consent. 
8. Do not post photos without the consent of EVERYONE in the photo. 
9. Do not reveal the identity of anyone you meet in the space once you leave. Many people prefer anonymity. 
10. Be mindful of making noise in the space when others are tying around you, this includes loud talking and laughing. 
11. Be discrete when moving through other parts of the premises. Clothes are optional in the space but not outside the door.
12. Please stay home if you are feeling unwell.
13. This is a sober space. Please do not use any recreational drugs or alcohol before coming or while on site. 
14. Acknowledge and accept that you are participating in high-risk behavior at your own risk.
15. No suspension is allowed unless you have been given permission, please message us beforehand via Instagram DM to tell us about the suspension you would like to do.
