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ULP – March Mariette B-day

It’s going to be a big one folks, don’t delay with bookings…

ULP  (united lifestylers party)
Still the biggest lifestyle party for in SA for the last decade or so. 

Donation includes ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: Full access to play areas, pools, rooms as well as a meal and all available bar drinks and DJ’s.

Let’s not forget all the wicked and awesome Roman members that may be there that night (well it doesn’t make THEM available! – but they’ll be there!)

We open the doors at 7:30 pm, Close the bar at 2am and Sleep Overs only is permitted from 2am, no need to book or pay for a room.

No better value for money swingers party/function (or any party/function for that matter) in the country! 

If the bookings are full and you whish to be added to the waiting list please contact us via whatsapp on the club phone, new members that whish to attend that cant book, can contact us via whatsapp on the club phone and we will book your slot.
