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Yoni and Lingam Massage for Healing and Pleasure
Fourways, Johannesburg
Yoni and Lingam Massage are experiences of deep pleasure, intimacy, healing and energy.
They can also be expressions of sacred sexuality.
The workshop includes an in-depth Yoni Anatomy and Lingam lesson, what and where the G-Spot, The U-Spot, A-Spot, K-Spot, Happy Spot are, Clitoral Massage and more.
There is an art to this pleasure, to this honouring of a man and woman, to the mystery and power of our pleasure, to the direct experience of our sexual energy, our vitality and creativity.
This massage is a path to full-body orgasms and higher states of consciousness / You’ll learn and experience Quite Yoni, Quiet Lingam, and expand into the pleasure and the Fire Massage.